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    Substrate decorations

    The art of aquascape is the creation of a piece of nature that mimics nature itself. Aquarium stones, wood and sand are arranged according to size and placed in the aquarium to create scenes that imitate nature. Show more

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    1 Product
    Catappa leaves 10 pcs

    Catappa leaves 10 pcs

    More than just decoration and hiding place: almond leaves for a natural water quality of the leaves Seemandelbaumes (Terminalia catappa) in Asia for many years because of its many positive qualities to the water quality and fish health in high esteem. The

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    € 6,61

    Substrate decorations

    Bring nature into your home! Start scaping...

    Just do it and do it again! 

    The art of aquascape is the creation of a piece of nature that mimics nature itself. Aquarium stones, wood and sand are arranged according to size and placed in the aquarium to create scenes that imitate nature.

    Homogeneity, a 'composition of equal parts, elements or features', is a very popular and visually appealing aspect of aquascapes. An extraordinary piece of nature can be created by using similar stones and wood together, with or without gravel and sand.

    This gives the design the Nature Aquarium look championed by Amano.

    Just add the right plants and your aquascape will be terrific.

    In the beginning, it's best to play around, just do it and don't spend sleepless nights worrying about the rules.

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